It’s Halloween!!!! Things are fully creepy, and about to get a lot spookier. With my 8th anniversary (wedding and career!!!) approaching, I wanted to ring in the festivities with something wholly disgusting.

Yes! Disgusting! This week’s video updates will fair more on the sexy/weird side, but next week’s videos will be spooky/erotic and scary/fucked up. Next week’s video releases are both blowjob videos. You’ll definitely want to watch them with the lights OFF.

I wish I could take credit for these deliciously spine-chilling flicks, but alas, I was simply the performing orifice! As blowjobs will be my ONLY sexual activities permitted until this hysterectomy can be had, we’ve gone all out with production. BJ has been superbly helpful in brainstorming some seriously ooky ideas, and really the entire force behind pulling this off.

I do have to add a disclaimer! Before you watch the rest of October’s video updates, make sure you are NOT squeamish. We got pretty fucked up with our eerie ideas, and while I love the gross and macabre, I understand that these could be too much for the wimps out there. If you want to risk it but you’re chicken, then you can safely watch 90% of “Man Eater” before needing to shut off the video. The end is a surprise, and I won’t spoil it, but the clever staging and effects are absolutely uncanny. Webmaster Kristi says I have to add a disclaimer, so please remember that like all of my videos, this month’s are also all fantasy and ingenious filming tricks, no actual harm was done to anyone. I did wholly unleash my passion for performance, so if the ick doesn’t bother you, then you’ll absolutely be wowed by where I’m taking this!

If the kink and perverted filth isn’t your thing, never fear! I have saved ONE LAST masturbation video to release next month and will be posting nothing but blowjobs until the doctor can get me all fixed up. Things will get a bit more mainstream sex starting in November. With any luck, we’ll be able to get the ball rolling after November 15th to see if there’s any chance to make this hysterectomy happen sooner so I can go back to filming all of the sexy things you love to see. Until then, it’s no sex, no orgasms, no masturbation, no penetration of any kind at all for me. Let’s hope I don’t have to wait more than a few months!!! This whole not being able to masturbate without excruciating, debilitating pain is frustrating indeed, especially with my sex drive at an all time high.

I hope your season of scare is filled with weird fun! Happy Halloween and thank you for sticking around! Stay tuned, and I’ll blow your mind even more. 😉