Ok, so I have no clue where to start or how to say this, so I’m just going to spit it out. There’s been LOTS of shake ups in my health and physical wellness lately, so the types of updates I offer may change. Lots.

There are many uncertainties for my health and we’re still undecided on how to handle this yucky situation. There are no uncertainties regarding my career choice. I’m very passionate about my art and work, and I hope that many of you will decide to observe the changes upon me. Personally, this is all very scary. I’m very scared of what’s happening to my body and how I’m going to make things work out, especially being the sole source of income for our family.

While things adapt to accommodate my body and health, I can promise updates are going to get VERY creative. I’ve never been one to take change laying down, well unless the doctors actually force me to, so there will be many new types of videos that blow your mind and your orgasm. 😉

Just hang around and bear with me while we figure out how to navigate these difficult changes. It will be well more than worth it.