Today I have a pretty major doctor’s appointment. We’ll be making the decision on when to schedule surgery. There’s too much else to say on that subject, but suffice to say that there will be videos to cover my absence.

There will be new videos upon my return too. There was never any question as to whether or not I would quit. I’ve been doing this for 8 years and I see another 80 years of filming in my future. It’s part of who I am as a sexual person. It’s not going to stop.

I put a pause on the blogs because I’ve been very tired. My lowered immune system has made it impossible to stay awake all day as I fight another round of kindergarten cooties, and I need the extra sleep while I prepare for major surgery and recovery. My former schedule has been eschewed in favor of safer activities, since the scarring and nasty chin split. I’m in good hands, and never left alone these days, haha. There hasn’t been enough of me to go around with the new schedule, and I’ve had to put a large number of personal activities (chores and the like) on hold while I adapt to a slower, less demanding lifestyle. Ideally things will be a smooth transition from out of bed, do all the things me to only in bed, cannot do anything but sometimes computer me.

With any luck, I’ll be able to use all of that bed time to start updating new blog posts ASAP. 🙂

Stick around! I’ve got a sexy idea in mind for once monthly erotica short stories!