It is with rather unfortunate tidings I bid you this holiday season, because my last filming days until 2022 are tomorrow and Friday of this week. ALL filming closes for 2020 and 2021 on December 11. Alas, I wish that were a typo, but life and health bring their own schedules that do not adhere to our desires.

For those who wish to order a custom video, time is INCREDIBLY limited, be ready to act fast. I wish I could allot for everyone, but I may likely only have ten or fewer spaces as time is short. Things are operating on a tight first come, first serve basis as I have to send this news with no warning.

You dawdle, you miss out until 2022. 🙁

Thank you for your patience for those who have ordered many custom videos this week and those who ordered special effects requests within the tight time constraints. I appreciate your cooperation in matching our schedules with my limited filming time, and I look forward to the scheduled releases of your custom videos! I’ll be sharing previews of the editing process privately with you as I go, so that you know what stage of production your video is at and get to enjoy the creation process as we explore this tiny filming window available to me, ending this week. It is with a heavy heart that I prepare to pack up my camera and lights completely until 2022!

Starting December 12, I will be focusing my time on major surgery preparation for myself, home preparation to care for loved ones in my home, and non stop video editing on all of your custom requests so that I can teach myself ANIMATION after January 28th’s big day.

It was tough finding the motivation to properly rest and recover IN BED the last two times, so I’m hoping that spending hours and hours learning how to animate movies while playing video games and coloring will keep me where I need to sit still for plenty long enough. The perfect opportunity for fine tuning special effects editing skills to blow your minds when filming resumes in 2022! I’ll miss filming in 2021, but I’ve been busy, busy, BUSY pre-filming the last few months so that ALLLLLL of 2021 will have daily video updates (and possibly even animation updates come late 2021 😉 …. ).

Within 37 days I will be celebrating my 29th birthday, 10th porniversary, and preparing so many special effects videos to surprise you with in 2021. I’ve got hundreds of videos filmed on my hard drive, just waiting to be edited while I’m resting!

Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope you have a happy holidays! <3

Rosexxx <3 <3 <3